ACSOS 2023
Mon 25 - Fri 29 September 2023 Toronto, Canada
Fri 29 Sep 2023 12:30 - 14:00 at Lobby - Posters

I am currently a PhD student at The Ohio State University studying computer science and engineering, advised by Dr. Christopher Stewart and Dr. Tanya Berger-Wolf.
My research is focused on building resilient edge architecture and intelligent navigation models for autonomous, unmanned aerial vehicles (AUAVs) for applications in ecology, agriculture, and defense. AUAVs use software to decide where to fly, when to collect data, and when to end a mission without humans in the loop. Edge architecture optimized for AUAVs brings compute close to the data source, enabling real-time analysis and reducing latency, and efficiently manages the unpredictable workloads generated by autonomous navigation models.

Fri 29 Sep

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