Registered user since Tue 9 Jan 2024
Research Director in Informatics and Computer Science at Inria and Leader of the joint Wimmics team at the Sophia-Antipolis Research Center (Université Côte d’Azur, Inria, CNRS, I3S). His PhD in 2002 pioneered the joint use of distributed artificial intelligence (AI) and semantic Web to manage a variety of data sources and users above a Web architecture. Then, as a research project leader at Carnegie Mellon University (USA), he proposed an AI method to enforce privacy preferences in querying and reasoning about personal data. In 2004, recruited as a researcher at Inria, he started to study models and algorithms to integrate social media and knowledge based AI systems on the Web and support humans in the loop. His professional interests include: Web, Semantic Web, Social Web, Ontologies, Knowledge Engineering and Modelling, Mobility, Privacy, Context-Awareness, Semantic Social Network / Semantic Analysis of Social Network, Intraweb, Distributed Artificial Intelligence. In 2012, he became the representative of Inria at the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) where he had already participated in several standardization groups since 2004. The same year he founded Wimmics, a joint research team of 50 persons (UCA, Inria, CNRS, I3S) including 10 full time researchers and professors on bridging social and formal semantics on the Web with AI methods. In 2014, Fabien became a research director (DR). Fabien successfully supervised several PhD, chaired major international conferences (e.g. WWW 2012 and 2018, ESWC 2015, ISWC 2019) and authored many journal, conference and workshop papers, and several books and book chapters. In 2015, Fabien initiated a series of bilingual MOOCs on the national FUN platform on semantic Web and linked data. He also became professor at the Data Science Tech Institute (DSTI). In 2017, Fabien established and became the director of the joint research laboratory QWANT-Inria and he also became responsible for the research convention he had proposed between the Ministry of Culture and Inria. In september 2018, Fabien became Vice-head of research for Inria Université Côte d’Azur until september 2022. In 2019, Fabien was awarded a chair in AI by the institute 3IA Côte d’Azur. In 2022, Fabien became co-president of the Scientific Board of the Data Science Tech Institute (DSTI)
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