ACSOS 2023 (series) / Mohammadreza Rasolroveicy

Registered user since Wed 15 May 2019
Name:Mohammadreza Rasolroveicy
Mohammadreza Rasolroveicy is a software engineer with a PhD from Polytechnique Montreal. He has a background in self-adaptive systems, DevOps, blockchain scalability, and performance, which he honed through his research efforts. As a postdoctoral fellow at York University in Toronto, Mohammadreza is utilizing his expertise to collaborate with IBM on a project aimed at developing a performance model for cloud-native applications. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Mohammadreza is well positioned to make significant contributions to the field of software engineering.
Affiliation:York University
Research interests:Adaptive systems- DevOps - Software Performance - Software Quality
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