Registered user since Fri 13 Oct 2017
Norha M. Villegas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Director of the Software Systems Engineering bachelor program at Universidad Icesi, Colombia, and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada. Her research interests include context-management, context-aware analytics, self-adaptive and self-managing systems, smart cyber physical systems and runtime software evolution. In general, she is interested in the application of dynamic context-management and self-adaptive software techniques to improve the dynamic and situation-aware capabilities of software systems. She obtained her PhD in software engineering from University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada). In 2011 she received the IBM Canada CAS Research Project of the Year 2011 for the application of context-awareness and self-adaptation to the improvement of on-line shopping systems. Over the last seven years she has co-chaired several workshops and has served on the program committees for several IEEE conferences and symposia.
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