ACSOS 2023
Mon 25 - Fri 29 September 2023 Toronto, Canada
Vinod Muthusamy

Registered user since Thu 31 Aug 2017

Name:Vinod Muthusamy

I am a research scientist at IBM Research AI in the IBM T.J. Watson Reseach Center. My research interests are broadly in middleware systems, including tools and infrastructure to support a variety of applications. In particular:

  • Platforms for training and serving large machine learning models, as well as applications of deep learning, and bringing more attention to these challenges to the middleware and systems communities.
  • Business process analytics, including process mining, clustering, and exploiting blockchain technologies.

I completed my PhD and MASc degrees in Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto, and my BASc degree at the University of Waterloo.

You can find a list of publications at my Google Scholar and DBLP pages.

Country:United States
Affiliation:IBM T.J. Watson Research
Research interests:Distributed systems, machine learning, business processes, complex event processing


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